Warlord Miniatures Padre from their "Out For The Count" series - The Rev. Capt. (H) Dr. Harry Terntadust. Nearly finished. A few more details to paint and he also needs his Commando decals from the Warlord/Bolt Action Commando box I purchased as his close protection detail.

Back, hellspawn, in nomine Christi! A sneak peak at the Padre and his nemesis. These two guys can't wait to get off the painting table and at each other's throats!
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Have fun chasing those bloodsuckers... You may also paint some Wall Street bankers to reír force the legion of Evil forces :-)
ReplyDeleteI think you have a view of those banker bloodsuckers in Spain right now, Benito! Enjoy your holidays.
DeletePadre, these are great! I saw these on the Warlord website and nearly bought some myself. Any plans for these chaps? As an aside, me and Headologist are using similar cinematic inspirations for our WW2 campaign. There will be guards facing the perimeter fence in greatcoats and with Alsatians, while an elite team of commandos steals in to make off with Hitler's plans for the [vampire army/laser death ray/Surface-to-Steve-McQueen guided missile]. Although I also enjoy 'proper' WW2 wargaming there's a lot of fun to be had in this tongue-in-cheek gaming as well. Great stuff all round.
ReplyDeleteThanks Colonel. They are indeed terrifically fun figures to paint. I bought some other WW2 personalities from Warlord and hope to debut them here shortly.
DeleteYou and the Headologist and I are thinking along the same lines to be sure. I am envisioning some of the terrific early War Pulp Germans made by Bob Murch (including chaps w greatcoats and Alsatians, and evil SS female Amazons, mad scientists) vs plucky British commandoes and Resistance Fighters. I am thinking of something only slightly less tongue in cheek than Allo Allo! and something slightly less earnest than a wartime propaganda film such as Mrs. Minniver.
For the commanders I have a box of the plastic Warlord figures plus their personalities set (including Lord McLovatt and his trusty piper, Davie O'Haggis). For the Germans, beside Murch, there are several makers of zombies (Studio Miniatures and WestWind) and lots of character figures from Artisan. For rules, I took a chance on the Savage Worlds set from Pinnacle and it looks like a possibility for the more RPG aspects. I am thinking of an adaptation of TFL's Through the Mud and Blood for the small unit actions. Lots of room for fun and games here. I am looking forward to what you and H do along the same lines.
For He bears not the sword in vain!
ReplyDeleteFor it is God's minister, an avenger for wrath to him that does evil.
DeleteLovely work MP and I look forward in seeing some fun gaming reports.
Thanks so much Helen. I have a few gaming projects on the go, but this is one that makes me smile the most, so I hope to have something for you soon.
DeleteSuper work Mike, I hope that SMG is loaded with silver!
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul. I hope so for the Padre too, because rumour has it there are SS werewolves about too. He shouldn't be carrying a Thompson, really, but in the fight against such sinister evil there are no non-combatants.
DeleteThey look fantastic Mike. Although I admit I never thought of putting Holy Water in my own canteen!! Your adaptation of 'Through the Mud and the Blood' sounds terrific!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sidney. I was debating waiting for Richard's new WW2 tactical game, COC, but I think I will see what I can with M&B. If nothing else, it may encourage me to get some more Great War toys as well.
DeleteGreat model - would work for a range of Pulp/Horror scenarios too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul. Those WG figures have pulp written all over them.
DeleteWhat does the chaplain have in his other hand? Looks mighty secular to me!
ReplyDeleteWonderful job in any case!
Lovely job Mike! Will TFLs Hugh Jarce be one of the Commando Big Men?
ReplyDeleteMassively goofy, but I'm looking forward to seeing more.
oooer! I just had a thunk; there must be a pretty young female Resistance fighter in Artizan or somewhere... she could be a Joss Whedonesque Slayer.
Or not, it's your whacky idea, not mine.
Thats a great looking figure, should arm the commandos with stake firing crossbows.