Hello Friends:
Not a lot of blogging here because I’ve been fair busy with work and on the hobby front, working with my mate James to put together the second issue of The Canadian Wargamer Podcast. Give us a listen here: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-qgd8d-10703f1
Here are the notes for this edition:
In this second episode of The Canadian Wargamer Podcast, Mike and James speak with our very first (!) guest, Bob Murch, the dean of Canadian miniature sculptors and owner of Pulp Figures. We talk about his early days at RAFM, his freelancing work, of course the pulp stuff, how Canada's indigenous peoples gave the Vikings the boot, and how Normans are cool. It also gets really honest as we talk about the hobby and mental health and wellness.
Bob's book contribution to our virtual library:
Robert Mason, Chickenhawk (1983): https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/chickenhawk/9780143035718-item.html
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickenhawk_%28book%29
Joseph Boyden, The Orenda (2013): https://www.amazon.ca/Orenda-Joseph-Boyden/dp/0143174169/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SHCYWKTSXS9J&dchild=1&keywords=the+orenda+by+joseph+boyden&qid=1624458761&sprefix=boyden+orenda%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1
After we said goodbye to Bob, we have a natter about some Canadian events (KegsCON in Chatham, ON and AttackX in Kamloops, BC), both happening (maybe?) this September. We also talked Canadian military history, including Dr. March Milner's work on 3d Can Div in Normandy, Dr. Sarah Glassford's work on Canadian women Red Cross volunteers in WW2, Canadian battlefield tourism (remember tourism and going places? that was great!). We also talked about why we think Vikings were dicks (don't be a dick), indoctrinating grandchildren, and of course we went on about projects, at which point it rather became the Canadian Napoleonic contest. Oh well, at least James hasn't glued his fingers to anything this week. Mike's mind is still undecided about the Foundry Triad Paint System.
Do you have any stories to tell about a Rugged Adventures game with Bob that you played in? Let us know.
Do you have a Canadian wargames event that you want to talk to us about? Get in touch!
Know what Celer Paratus Callidus means? Even better, do you know where we can find an .MP3 version of it? Let us know!
Links to cool things mentioned in the podcast:
Bob Murch on Twitter: @PulpFigures
Flint and Feather range of figures: https://pulpfigures.com/huron_iroquois_war/
AttackX Tabletop Wargaming Expo, Kamloops, BC - Sept 10-12, 2021 (to be confirmed): https://www.facebook.com/AttackXexpo
Kent-Essex Gaming Society (KEGS), hosts of KEGSCon - KEGSCON IX Sep 18, 2021 https://www.facebook.com/KEGSCON/
Hotlead - 18, 19 & 20 March 2022 - https://hotlead.ca
Maple Leaf Route Webinar Series - https://canadianmilitaryhistory.ca/webinar/
Dr. Marc Milner, Stopping the Panzers: Canada's Forgotten Overlord Role
The Old Front Line Podcast: Canadian Remembrance Tourism with Samantha Cowan https://oldfrontline.co.uk/2021/06/12/canadian-remembrance-tourism-with-samantha-cowan/
Mike on Twitter: @MarshalLuigi
Mike's Blog: http://madpadrewargames.blogspot.com
James on Twitter: @JamesManto4
James' Blog: http://rabbitsinmybasement.blogspot.com