Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Last Figures of 2012: Confederate Officer (1 of 3)

Another hat-waving "harmless personage" as Sam Watkins of Co. "Aytch" would say. This Renegade Miniatures Confederate officer is another hat-waver, either leading his men from the front, or, in my opinion, waving them off from behind before he returns to his mint juleps to await news of the attack.

Most of my ACW collection is based in group stands, a legacy of my time using Johnny Reb rules, but this fellow is indiviually based to fill a need for Confederate Big Men for the TFL Terrible Sharp Sword skirmish rules, which I've become quite fond of.

Now I have a decision as to what to do with the rest of his peers, still in the Renegade Rebel Skirmish box. They are nice sculpts, and I am inclined to base them individually as well for TSS. I can always get a box of those new Perry Brothers plastic rebel infantry to flesh out my rebel units for bigger battles.

If you're wondering what that light ochre colour is on his boots, coat and hat, I was experimenting with some Vallejo pigment for the first time, to see if I could get a mud spattered look. I'm not sure it was a success. I could have been more successful just drybrushing a yellow ochre onto him, I think.

I'm happy with the face. There is something a little roguish about him. He kind of reminds me of Don Johnson's planter character in Django, which Mrs. Padre and I saw last night, and of which my mind is quite divided.

I'm pretty sure we'll see him hat-waving his boys to death or glory pretty soon. Thanks for looking, y'all.


  1. I say, he sure is a dashing fellow :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin. Pity he's not eligible for the Analogue Challenge, but given some of the points scores already up there, one figure won't help me much. :)

  2. Not a bad chap - for a rebel.

    I'm just beginning with pigments myself. How do you fix 'em?

    1. Haven't the foggiest, old boy. I tried sme Windsor and Newton blending mixture, a found smelling concoction, and it was too blobby. I've just been experimenting with small amounts of water applied to the pigment through an eye dropper. Anyone?

  3. Definitely waving the boys on to glory!!

    1. Definitely on to glory. Hopefully from the front.

  4. Nicely done. You could always get some sabot bases to use the individual skirmishers in a bigger battle.

    1. True dat. I did find some GW sabot bases in my stash yesterday, they were purchased for their War Of The Ring big army battles rules and never used, but I think they will fix the washer size I am using now for bases.

  5. Oooo... dunno... Don't reckon this dude is likely to wave anyone over the hill whilst suckin' down juleps, mint or otherwise. Take a look at that slow burn. Nope. He'll be sayin' 'Boys,' 'cos he's fond of his lads, he is, 'Boys, the most frightening thing on this battlefield is us, so let's go frighten some Yankees! Any that stick around, I'll just shoo away with my hat!'

  6. Padre, 10 extra points for painting the sweatband and lining of his hat.

    1. Well spotted Scott! All those years as a reenactor were good for something, Many is the time I have looked at an obscure piece of kit from a figure in some other period and thought, if only I had reenacted that period, I'd know what that was!

  7. Thanks Ion. I am sure that hat is worth any 10 Yankees!

  8. "Ah mus' say, Suh, that y'all have caught the true spirit of the South with this fine officer. Truely a cavalier of the old school, if y'all un'erstand."

    {switching translation}

    "Youz guyz should just beware a dem "Yankee" comments, heyna? We still know howta build locomotives an' dig dem tunnels."

    Really a grand figure, Padre!

    1. I could perhaps have substituted Bobby Lee's appellation, 'those people', but figured not everyone would have 'got' it. And this figure looks more like a Bedford Forrest type - hard drivin', hard tempered, always ready for a fight.

  9. A fine Southern gentleman! Yes, he looks rougish. I suspect he may be the Confederate officer who told one of his Union counterparts at Appomattox, "We hate you, sir."


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