Monday, March 24, 2025

Miss Maple, A Pulp Investigator

Every now and then I find it's pleasant to have a figure in the panting queue that isn't part of a project or an army I'm building, but is simply a pleasant diversion.   Bob Murch's Pulp Figures line fits that bill perfectly.   This Murch figure is a lady investigator with a kitty, who I've named Miss Maple.    Aided by her clairvoyant kitty, Justin, she's investigating a nefarious plot to rename Canada the 51st state.   She has goggles pushed up into her brunette curls, so she seems to be ready to move quickly.  Justin must be more patient with motor vehicles than my cat is!

The kitty is painted in tribute to my own buddy, Marshal Luigi, who sometimes graces this blog.  The paints are a mix of Vallejo, Foundry, and craft paints.

I've started using clear Litko bases for my pulp figures, as they work well with a variety of matts and backgrounds.   I suppose Miss Maple could be assisting some Mounties I painted a ways back, if I ever resurrect my Rockies Aflame project.  Hmmm.

Thanks for looking and blessings to your brushes.



  1. Lots of lovely character to this sculpt. Justin is a fun name for a cat too. Nicely done mate.

    1. Thanks, Dai, always grateful for your comments. Bob Murch sculpts are always fun to paint. The cat is named after our last Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. I figure a patriotic Canuck girl named Miss Maple would have an equally patriotic cat!

  2. Naming Canada the 51st State will just be as successful as renaming the Gulf of Mexico. Simon

  3. Splendid looking pulp figure and nice cat, lot's of character!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain and thanks, now to figure out how to work her into a tabletop game!


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