Thursday, February 13, 2025

Some 28mm Horse and Musket Civilians

Not all the figures in this post are freshly painted except for the gent in the brown coat and hat, but the rest were done later in 2024 and I don't think I've blogged them here, so I guess they count (count for what?  points?  prizes? 🤪).

Groom leads a horse out of the barn for a gentleman.   The groom and horse are from Foundry's 18th century civilian range, the gent in the hat is a Front Rank figure from their Napoleonic civilian range.  The barn is I think from Warbases.

It's funny what you see in photos that you don't see otherwise.   The poor groom looks like he has a bandage on his nose, when in fact I think it was just some pale flesh highlight that looked ok at the time.  I'll have to have a hard look at him and see if he needs fixing.   The gentleman is sold by Front Rank along with a packhorse, and I think he's meant to be a pedlar, but I decided to make him look a bit posh.   His clothing is probably too early 1800s for a Lace Wars game, but tant pis as they say. 

 MDF cart and cast metal horses from Warbases.  The kit includes a resin casting of straw as a load for the cart if one wishes.   The farm labourer is from Front Rank's Napoleonic civilians range, enjoying a tankard while stopping at a pub.

These figures could be used just as table dressing or as characters and plot points in a skirmish game like Sharp Practice.  That gentleman going for a ride could actually be a spy with valuable intelligence.   The straw in that cart could be hiding contraband or a deserter.   The farmer with the pitchfork could be a dashing intelligence officer in disguise or maybe he's just Theo from Plotzen. 

Thanks for looking.  Later this week, some ancients figures, and maybe a test drive of the Hail Caesar rules.  
Blessings to your brushes,  MP+


  1. NPC's add interest to the table. I think these are great additions (And bandaid nose should actually look just fine from 3 feet away?).

  2. Some fun , good looking figures 👍


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