Tuesday, January 10, 2023

#Terrain Tuesday: Warbases Prussian Barn WIP

Hello friends:

I’m reviving a feature here which I’ve called Terrain Tuesday.   Here’s a bit of progress on a project carried over from last year, this 28mm Warbases T-Shaped Barn from their Napoleonic Prussia series.   I can use these in a variety of horse and musket settings, and this particular model could possibly be used in a North American setting, assuming the barn was built by settlers of German origin.

I wasn’t happy with the MDF roof, so I ordered some of the Warbases cardboard roof tiles sets and laboriously glued them on.

Now I have to decide how to paint the roof.   I was thinking a brown base coat, and then a dry brush of red, as most German roofs I’ve seen in paintings of the period seem to have red roofs.   Any advice?

Blessings to your modelling.  MP+


  1. I see great progress in this project. My advice if you are planning to have a red color roof is do not use a very dark color as a base. You may like to try the opposite: a red color base, followed a wash in red brown and finally a light dry brush in red or orange

  2. Nicely done, in terms of roof depends on your period and material. It’s either wooden slats or tiles. Most likely wooden so should probably be the same as the sides ? The compromise is a slightly different brown then it can work as both ?

  3. Nice piece, I assume the roof would be wooden shingles so a brown, maybe bleached so paler than the sides, I've been using https://jimbibblyblog.blogspot.com/?m=1 as a reference, he does fantastic Napoleonic German terrain which I plan on ripping off, sorry use for inspiration, it really is worth a look!
    Best Iain
