Tuesday, June 14, 2022

#Terrain Tuesday: Trees in Various Scales

Today I’m reviving an occasional feature on this blog/diary, Terrain Tuesday, a chance to talk about tabletop terrain projects I’m working on.   

I don’t think we can ever have enough trees on most battlefields, unless it’s the Western Desert, perhaps.    Lately I’ve been trying to find the odd few minutes here and there to base trees, using some irregularly shaped bases I bought from the Litko website, and trees that I found for sale at Hot Lead in March courtesy of Model Builders Supply, a local company specializing in architectural and hobby scenics.  

 Two newly based large conifers shown with a 28mm Victrix figure for scale.


My friend Joe Saunders from Miniature Landscape Hobbies   has a wise saying, that irregularly shaped bases work well for nature, whereas human-made structures tend to look better on geometrically shaped bases.  I’m keeping that in mind as I use up the rest of these nice Litko bases for trees in various scales, including a small 6mm forest (top left).    Hopefully I’ll have that ready to show this time next week.

What terrain are you currently working on?

Cheers and blessings to your modelling!


  1. Good looking collection of trees in various scales, mine tend to be on circular bases, multiples on CD's and singles on various sized circular MDF bases, I'm working on bridges and Russian rural houses since you asked!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. A lot of my trees are also based on old CDs - for a while I had quite a stash of those AOL startup CD-ROMs that were floating around in the 1990s, they were useful. I'm also working on some 3D printed Russian houses in 6mm. Cheers, Michael
