Monday, March 29, 2021

Meanwhile in Rohan 9: The Muster of the Shieldwomen

Good evening friends:

As readers of this blog will know, the world of JRR Tolkien is an abiding gaming interest of mine, and the Rohirrim are by far my favourite army of that mythology.   Some years back I purchased several sets of Dark Ages women warriors from Bad Squiddo Games, thinking they would do nicely to augment my Rohan figures (who are, not surprisingly, all male).  It makes sense that in the existential threat that a raid on a village or fortress would pose, there would be women who would take up arms and even know how to use them (the subplot with Eowyn in LOTR and the novelty of her bearing arms betrays Tolkien as being a product of his generation, I think).

Anyway, Annie at Bad Squiddo does a nice range of female warriors that seemed suitable and I am using this pandemic time to finish old lots of figures from the lead mountain, so here are the ten I purchased some years back.


These two figures are lovely sculpts from Alan Marsh.  The banner is from a set of Saxon flags from Little Big Men Studios.


The remainder of these figures no longer appear on the Bad Squiddo website.  They are sculpts by Phil Hynes, who doesn’t appear to work for Annie any more - at least, his name doesn’t appear on her site.  The shields are done freehand, a lot of inspiration from my friend James, and I’m happy with these two in particular, even if the eyes on the one on the right are lopsided!

Anyway they are good sculpts, some better than others in terms of quality.   I enjoyed the fact that they aren’t all young supple warriors - these two are grannies that are just not having any Uruk-Hai crap, and as I creep towards my sixties, I’m ok with that.



There are tons of new Dark Ages sculpts in Annie’s shop that would be suitable for Rohirrim (including riders!) since my last visit there, as well as lots of interesting scatter terrain, so I am sure I shall be a returning customer.

Thanks for looking, and blessings to your brushes!



  1. These have turned out very nicely. I look forward to seeing them in battle.

  2. Well sculpted figures well painted! Personally, when I see that one eyebrow raised look, I started eying exit options even if there aren't any deadly weapons to hand!

  3. Nice work on these Padre. I’m a big fan of Annie’s line of figures and I’ve been eyeing her current Dark Age range

  4. Like how you've painted these up Mike. I like Annie's range of figs and have some Soviets from her first range for my WW2 army.

    Looking forward to seeing these used on the tabletop! Death to the orcses!

  5. Nice job on the female warriors . I like the whole concept if Annie's site...I actually preferred it when she was operating as a clearing house for ALL realistic female figures, regardless of manufacture, although I realise now she has built up a reasonable number of her own figures, it makes sense only to sell those. I particularly like the WWII items she has, both Soviet and Brits.

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