Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Meanwhile, in Mordor

Hello friends!

My new (since June) post-retirement church job has kept me happily busy, along with finding safe day-trips to do with Joy during a stay-at-home summer.   I was able to use part of the last few months to finish this lot of orcs for my Lord of the Rings collection.  What a horrible lot!

This batch includes a GW orc captain from the lad pile, as well as eight Thistle and Rose (formerly Vendel) orcs, painted in Mordor livery.  I love that they are well wearing the same baggy trousers and puttees, it gives them a bit of a regular army look, the 3/92nd North Mordor Foot, maybe.  If you want to see Thisle and Rose figures well painted, visit Rabbit Man’s blog.

“Roiht, you ‘orrible lot, what do you do when you sees an Elf Lord?  You stick him, see!  No, don’t bleeding tickle him, STICK HIM!"

This ‘orrible lot also includes a box of Oathmark goblins that I purchased May 2019.   I built some as archers:

Spear chaps without shields.  Sorry the photos are rather dark.

Shields and hand weapons.  Tried for a general red and black theme to the shields, with some Mordor Eye livery, some more tribal.

Shields and shabby sticks.

Regimental photo before marching off to Gondor.

In general I found the Oathmark plastic figures to be easy to assemble, with a pleasing variety of weapons and gear.  While the Oathmark universe, from what I’ve seen of the rule books, is standalone fantasy, the figures fit well with my existing LOTR collection and have a Tolkienesque feel to them.  I haven’t done the math to see if they are cheaper than GW plastics, but they add a variety of poses to the Perry orc sculpts, so I may order a few more boxes over time, though the old Vendel figures, happily back in production through Thistle and Rose, are appealing..  I currently have a box of Oathmark wolf riders half-assembled to tackle next.

Blessings to your brushes!  





  1. All of your figures look great, Michael! "Post retirement job?" Isn't that an oxymoron?

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Yes, a bit of an oxymoron. My bishop made me an offer I couldn't really refuse, as it's bad form to turn down a bishop. I was done with the Army, but still enjoy the Church.

  2. Nice additions to the horde Mike and good to see you are still finding time to work on hobby in general. Glad retirement sounds like it is treating you well mate. :)

    1. Thanks mate. The hobby and my marriage have been the saving of me since the pandemic. Hope you're well.

  3. The thing about Orc/ Goblin armies, is you want them to be huge. I mean really huge. Bigger than huge: yuge. Like... Hordes of the things...
    Looking good, Michael!

    1. Thanks Ion. As a certain orange goblin would say, "YUGE!"

  4. They'll look great being trampled by my elf cavalry! 😉

    1. Just speed bumps, really. Are you still experimenting with Oathmark or have you gone back to DR?
