Saturday, March 18, 2017

Meanwhile - In The Elven Woodland Realms 3

Here are some more 28mm fantasy miniatures  by UK Heresy Miniatures for my collection, useful either as personality figures for LOTR gaming or in my growing Dragon Rampant armies.  These figures fit the matriarchal nature of the elven force I’ve been working on.

I recommend Heresy for their fine customer service and for the quality of their sculpts.  These figures all have a willowy grace that I like, even if the brushwork sometimes has to find at facial features rather than simply draw attention to the sculptor’s work.

Elf Queem / mage / Galadriel stunt double.   When she’s not scrying the future in that palantir, she’s bowling ninepin strikes with it.

Druidess/wizardling/hippy chick, and perhaps my favourite one of this lot.

 Not sure what spell she is casting, exactly, but it looks rude.

Captain of Rangers and Mistress of Bows.


Mistress of Swords and leader of the elven SOF unit, “Galadriel’s Grrrrls”.



Finally, not really an elf, but when I placed a recent order for some Reaper figures, I added this Reaper Bones lady barbarian, as I figured that Kevin the Barbarian needed a girlfriend.  Here they are, as if they’ve stepped out of a 1970s fantasy calendar by Vallejo.  With her armour monokini she is a little embarrassing, and I trust that if my Bishop is reading this, he understands.

Thank you for looking and blessings to your brushes!

These figures bring my 2017 totals to:

15mm: Vehicles: 3, Foot Figures: 4, Scenic Pieces: 7

20mm: Foot figures: 18

28mm:  Foot Figures: 62;  Mounted Figures: 2; Terrain Pieces: 17



  1. Lovely figures, Michael. The spell-caster looks vaguely like a Zepperella lead guitarist whanging out a few chords, and they all remind me of Terry Pratchett's elves. I don't know whether you have read T. Pratchett's 'discworld' novels, but in those the elves are nasty. Really nasty. But they do have the serene and casual sense of cool that your figures depict so well.

    In case you haven't read it, and provided you don't mind elves taking the 'baddy' role, then I recommend 'Lords and Ladies'. You will like Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg (witches) I am sure.

    1. thanks so much, Ion. I need to read Pratchett, I never have thus far. I do like the idea of nasty, unpleasant elves - they come across as being aloof but saintly in Tolkien, more so in the films. Thank you for the recommendation, it will make it into my summer reading.

  2. Well painted!
    I agree about Heresy, lots of really nice figs there (and, incidentally, in my tin- and plastics-mountain...). The elves are from the Spyglass range, that Andy bought a couple of years ago. Lovely, they are.
    Do support him, as Andy is a great guy!

    1. Thanks Joakim. You are right of course, the sculpts were picked up by Andy - I confess the Spyglass figures are the ones I like the best in the Heresy catalogue, the rest of it is, well, rather grotesque.

    2. There's nothing wrong with grotesque :-)
      at least not Andy-style

  3. Well done Michael. I like these a lot. Especially the Ranger captain.

    1. Thanks Rod, I like her too. Sadly, she and her troop were eaten by a werewolf in their first outing on Friday night, but these things happen to new figures.

    2. Ha! No doubt. It seems like the miniatures I put the most effort into painting are the ones that consistently getting removed from the table early during games.

  4. A fine little collection Michael!

  5. Michael, you are turning out some wonderful figures for your LotRs project!
    The ladies look lovely!

    1. Thanks, Jon. This project has certainly taken on a life of its own, and shows no signs of stopping.

  6. A fine quintet of ladies Padre :)

  7. Beautiful young ladies thanks to some very fine brushwork Michael!

  8. Maybe she's laying down some power chords in Guitar Hero? 😁

    1. exactly, from her "Mordor Sucks" concept album.

  9. Awesome job I must pick up that Kev White Barbarian figure.

  10. I'm sure your Bishop understands all too well old chap.

    1. I have a new Bishop, and he's not very technological, so here's hoping this is all under the episcopal radar.

  11. That lady is making the sign of the horns - a pagan benediction. Blessed be! Very nice, especially like the captain of rangers, though I think they could all benefit from a bit more starch in their diet!

    1. Thank you for explaining that, Chris, it did look like a blessing or sign of some sort. They are rather slim, all that running after orcs and chopping them up, cardio and core training.
