Tuesday, August 16, 2016

We're Back ..With A Small Trove of ACW Boardgames

Hello and welcome back to this sadly neglected blog, which I am tempted to rename Dragon Dormant.  Since I returned from La Belle Province de Poutine, all has been well, but busy.  Madame Padre celebrated her third post-chemotherapy bloodtest with very good results, and has decided to celebrate with a new bicycle and a more active lifestyle, so bravo to her.   

There has been a little painting and a little gaming, so some updates coming.  One of the most exciting things to happen lately was this small pile of out of print American Civil War (with one Mexican War title thrown in) cardboard counter type boardgames that came my way.   A friend at the local club was helping to sell off the collection of a gamer friend who had passed away.  I am sorry I didn’t know this fellow, as I think we would have gotten along well.

Three of these titles are from the GMT Games series, Richard Berg’s Great Battles of the American Civil War.  Red Badge of Courage covers First and Second Bull Run, Three Days of Gettysburg was GMT”s answer to Terrible Swift Sword, and Gringo used the GBACW system to treat some Mexican War battles.   I am very fond of the GBACW system, it lives at that Grand Tactical sweet spot for me.   The two titles on the left came from late in Avalon Hill’s existence, from their Great Campaigns of the ACW series, designed by Joe Balkoski, and offer a more operational/strategic scale of treatment.    Finally, at the right is a Clash of Arms game on the Seven Days - I haven’t yet opened the box so know nothing about it.

Below is the seventh game, Lee Vs Grant, another Balkoski GCAWC design, on one of my favourite campaigns, the 1864 Wilderness campaign.   It is currently set up in a quiet corner of the chaplain school library at work, and I am slowly figuring it out on my lunch breaks.



I know that these games will cut into my painting time, but it can’t be helped, hex and counter games have a large claim on my heart.  If you have played any of these titles, please let me know what you thought of them - your comments may influence which one I take on first.

Finally, because it’s too amazing to pass up without comment, here’s a What If article imagining WW2 German and Japanese battleships at war, because …. battleships. 

Blessings to your die rolls!



  1. So good to hear Madame Padre is on the mend.

    Oh my what a collection! This would be tough for me. I'd love to play all those games but then I'd have to cut back my painting and miniature gaming. Do give us a report if you have a chance!

    1. Thank you, Monty. I agree, painting and playing with little men vs cardboard men, tough choice. I painted for a bit last night and pushed cardboard this morning over coffee as a way of getting awake enough to go to work. Oh, to be retired!

  2. Welcome back! Very good news concerning your Madame! We all hope that this ordeal is firmly in the rear view mirror.

    As for your boardgames, you picked up quite a collection! GBACW is one of my favorites from long ago too. Your acquisition of RBoC is like hitting the Lotto. That one commands big sums on eBay. In fact, the other two GBACW titles as well as the GCACW command good prices too. Well done! I have most titles in the GBACW series although not the three you picked up and have played the series often.

    Having many titles covering First and Second Manassas from at least four manufacturers (many at the regimental level like RBoC), I suggest investigating RBoC and reporting back. Which other titles in the GBACW series do you have in your game closet?

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I agree, I lucked out, as I would have to had paid far more on ebay than my friend was asking.
      I too like the GBACW series, in part for its ancestry in the old TSS system. I have GMT's game on Stone River/Murfreesboro as well as Twin Peaks, on the prelude to Antietam. The former has never been punched. I also have their first Glory game (1st and 2nd Bull Run + Chickamaugua) which was also a Berg design. Never punched it yet. So lazy/
      I think I will have to take your suggestion, which Thomas the Swede echoed on Twitter, and try RBoC, because green troops are so much fun.

  3. Lots awesomeness there. Even if it cuts into your painting time it is what you find fun that matters :) Enjoy them :)

  4. That's certainly good news on Mme Padres health. I'm glad to hear.
    Don't know about these board games but they look like they could be some fun.

  5. Not played nor familiar with any of these but they look lots of fun Mike. Looking forward to seeing some reports on your games with them.

    Huzzah for Madame Padre and her continued good health! I hope she also purchased a helmet along with that bike?
