Monday, August 22, 2016

Can I Afford My Dream Army?

The latest edition of Foreign Affairs magazine is currently in my Professional Development reading queue, meaning that it is on my desk, rapidly getting buried under other work.   I thought the cover illustration was quite clever.  All of us, I am sure, have done the same thing in hobby stores, whether real or virtual.

The first article in this issue notes that the US spends three times as much on defense as its nearest competitor (China) and amounts for one third of global expenditures.   Fortunately the same drive to outspend our hobby opponents doesn't apply to us - does it?



  1. I doesn't apply to us; WE have to live within a budget and can't tax anybody! By the way, check your Facebook. I sent you a private message with a link to the army builder, for better or for worse.

  2. Not me. The guy in the picture is managing with a basket. I'd need a trolley....

  3. Since I mostly home cast now (backed by some old plastic), I think I'm more on the Chinese model of cheap masses rather than the latest high tech toys.

  4. Pressure to outspend opponents? No, I am my own worse enemy!
    "How much is enough?" Have you been speaking to my wife?

  5. War certainly is profitable... for arms manufacturers and model-makers alike!

    My poor poor bank balance - more WW2 figs and soon my first Smith & Wesson. Guess I am part of the problem.

  6. I'm still working on the assumption that a mountain of neglected plastic and metal ensures the earth continues to spin and gives strength to my longevity.
    I have begun to get quite a bit painted, but I also keep finding troops and games that I absolutely must have. Since I can still afford coffee, I refuse to admit I have an addiction problem.....but the closet and shelves have developed a worrisome grinding groan! ;)
