Monday, April 18, 2016

Spring Brings Some Dangerous Dames

Internet access is a little spotty at the present, thanks to leaving my MacBook at Casa Rabbit after OP THUNDERING DICE, necessitating the planning of OP MAC BACK.

In the meantime, here are some figures I've been working on through March, off and on, as spring draws near.  They are both Wargames Foundry figures, from their sadly OOP Realms of Faery series.

I love an elf with a big ... bow.   I gave the young lady with the booty a yellow dress, only to find that it is a tricky color to work with, and turned out rather muddy from the wash, even after repeated attempts to blend in lighter tones of yellow.
I also gave her a silver bow, because it seemed more fantasy-ish.
The five figures from the blister, making what I think could be the nucleus of a very fine Dragon Rampant war band.   I am delighted to say that the lovely Dianne Ansell at Foundry discovered more figures from the Faery range for me, and I am looking forward to getting them.
If this noisy fellow leads his orc host into the wood where these ladies are, he will find himself missing a drumstick.  Among the figures I completed this last weekend is a 28mm GW Orc musician from their LOTR range.
Finally, while this lady may not look dangerous, I wouldn't let the posh Bryn Mawr New England accent fool you.  This is Amelia Roosevelt, America's Girl Reporter, who will be well known to readers of the Daily Dissembler.
This figure is from Canadian company RAFM, an investigator from their Call of Cthullu series.  She was part of a very kind gift of figures I received two Christmases ago from PatG, one of the most eclectic and interesting people I know in the hobby.   Pat was a player in my 2014 online Diplomacy game, and sent the figures as a thank you for that experience.  I am sorry it's taken me so long to paint her, and I hope this goes out to Pat as a big thank you.

I used to think RAFM figures were rather clunky, but they have come a long way.  This figure is full of detail, and the face came to life under the brush, with a pert and somewhat playful expression.   With her binoculars and writing satchel, she could indeed be a reporter of travelling investigator, though her clothes are a few decades too late for Miss Amelia of the Gilded Age.  Perhaps Amelia's daughter?  I may be able to use her in my Weird War Two project.
These figures bring my 2016 totals to:
28mm:  Foot Figures: 38; Mounted Figures: 3; Buildings: 1
6mm:  Mounted figures:  36;  Buildings:  2


  1. A nice miscellany of figures. I really like the blue elf with the sickle: great colours.

    1. Thank you so much. I was very pleased with how her dress and colouring worked out. This figure really inspired me with thoughts of spring as the snows melted.

  2. Very nice.
    I start with an ochre base for yellow and then highlight with the yellow.
    Did you white prime? Yellow over black prime never works.

    1. Thanks mate.
      I did use white primer - always use it with 28s, only black w the smaller stuff. I like the idea of yellow ochre as a base and then highlighting with successively lighter layers of yellow. I will try that next time.

  3. Nicely done, love the last one, beautiful and elegant...

    1. Ta, Phil. I quite liked that last figure, a lovely sculpt to paint.

  4. Very nice young ladies Padre :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin - nice but perhaps not nicely behaved. :)

  5. Wonderful. I must get more of my fantasy figures completed.

    1. Thank you Mark. Dragon Rampant has really gotten me interested in getting my fantasy figures some brush love.

  6. Lovely mix of figures, but the lady reporter is special ,nice pose and paint job
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you so much, Iain, I appreciate your encouragement!

  7. Those ladies look the part. Especially Ms Roosevelt the Younger.

    Your basing on the Fae wins out for me though - very complimentary to their paint jobs and poses.

  8. Very pretty - much better than I could achieve. :)
