Monday, January 4, 2016

Diplomacy 2016: Seven Seats Are Open - Want In?

 Reviewing my blog entries for the last few years made me realize how much I enjoyed running an online game of Diplomacy in 2014.  I had intended to run a follow up game this last year, but real life got in the way.

So, it’s the start of a brand new year, and I think I need to run another one. 

Same deal as last time: classic map, Europe 1900, and the usual seven suspects.

Stuff you need to know is here and  here.

I’ll welcome interested parties on a first come, first serve basis.   I’ll gladly take players from the last game, but if needs be I’ll bump you in favour of new players.   Email me at mad padre (at) gmail (dot) com with three country preferences and I’ll try my best, but be warned, you might get Austria-Hungary.

As with last time, there will be a Daily Dissembler. Hopefully we will see more of the insightful analysis of Sir Erasmus Blatt, read more of the Perils of Miss Amelia Roosevelt (America’s Girl Reporter) and perhaps meet more villains such as Ernst Harrington and Count Di Graspi.   There will also be a painted mini prize to the winner and to the best role-player.   Also, this time I think I’ll add a third prize, for most creative move during the game, to be adjudicated by myself and the cats (Stanley and the Catbeast of Mordor).

You know you want to!



  1. Enough slander of Austria-Hungary! It's not part of the Central Powers for nothing!
    {Last I played Diplomacy, I was humiliated and lost badly... with Austria-Hungary. I think if I played, I rather see my opponents face-to-face.}

    1. I didn't slander AH. I merely implied that it poses challenges.
      It is rather fun when you aren't sure who the other players are.

  2. What do you mean it was 2014? I thought was only a few months ago, time rapidly flying!
    Best Iain

  3. It was one of my best gaming experiences of all time. If you didn't make the last game, you should definitely give it a try.

    1. Thank you Pat. It was great fun for me as well which is why I'm hoping this gets off the ground.

  4. Tempting, tempting... one of those AH classics in my sights during the 80s but never bought.

    1. My copy predates Avalon Hill by a few years. Benito, you know you want to play this.

  5. Gosh - was it really 2014? I'll sit this one out - not least because after last time nobody will believe a word I say ever again....

  6. Seats still open: England, Italy, Germany. Going fast!

  7. I am sorely tempted as I've never played diplomacy, but I loved another I did play in the 80's. Politiboro I believe it was called and I am still trying to source an affordable copy.
    I can't participate in your game this year as infantry, training, kids, the painting challenge, and adult reponsibilities have me tapped!
    I look forward to the weekly updates as last year though! ;)

    1. Maybe next time, David. You sound busy. I'll make sure you get a subscription to the Daily Dissembler. :)

  8. Hi Mike, very tempted, but the Challenge is keeping me up late painting at present. Maybe I can get a look-in on one of your splendid games one day, though. I shall be watching with keen interest, all the same!

    1. Some other time, Sidney It would be lovely to have you in a game. I am cheering you on from the sidelines this APC though I think Mr. Awdry has set the bar frighteningly high with his Great Escape vignette. Best, M
