Saturday, August 15, 2015

Paint Table Saturday

Hmmm, haven’t done the in a while.  So what’s on the paint table today?   Made a little more progress on these Perry Brothers American Civil War artillerists, guns and limbers.  I know certain parties didn’t like this last time I mentioned this project, but too bad.   There may be some Union artillerists in the next batch which will work, seeing as these are timeshare guns.

And just started these GW Gondorian soldiers, courtesy of the very kind Chris Stoesen.   Not terribly challenging, painting this lot.

Blessings to your paint brushes!



  1. Must get back to painting! Gondorians are nice and quick (comparatively!)

  2. Looks promising, Michael. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the artillery.

  3. Plenty to keep you out of trouble there.

  4. Interesting mix on your workbench Padre. I'm just wondering how you can manage to use them all together ;)

  5. Happy to see work being done! When will we get to see the next LotR aar?
