Monday, April 27, 2015

A Kind Gift of Nasty Orcses

Chris Stoesen is a good chap.    He’s a talented historian and scenario designer, runs an eclectic and interesting blog. and a budding author.  He’s also a kind fellow.   A while ago I did Chris a very small favour, and he mentioned that he’d send me some surplus GW Lord of the Rings figures, since unlike me, Chris has wisely decided to limit himself to certain periods and scales.   I was expecting a sprue in the mail, and was quite surprised to get a box full of plastic goodness.

Some men of Gondor and warg riders.

 Some rather rare Uruk Hai siege and assault troops, as well as Mordor orcs and some goblins.

And three stalwart Rangers of Gondor.

Longtime readers of this blog know that I have a soft spot for the GW LOTR line and while I don’t care for the GW rules, have wanted to do the War of the Ring on a large scale.   Chris’ very kind gift gets me a long way towards doing that.      In a recent post, young Kinch described getting a similarly kind gift and used a phrase I quite like:  “The freemasonry of the hobby working its magic yet again”.   I have experienced many acts of kindness from war gamers and bloggers over the years, and continue to marvel at how kind we are to one another.   Thank you, Chris.

Blessings to your brushes and die rolls!



  1. A most excellent windfall from a most excellent, fellow blogger.

    Good form, Chris!

  2. "Since unlike me, Christ has wisely decided to limit himself to certain periods and scales."

    I was reasonably sure he covered all periods - though he only plays in 1:1.

    1. Good catch, CK. It seems I gave Mr. Stoesen a bit of a promotion there. It does raise the interesting question, "What scale would Jesus play?"

  3. That's some gift! I must agree wargamers are a generous lot he says while gazing at the 1/72nd scale Captain America he found in his mailbox this evening.

  4. So, Padre, about that Dux Gondorum project...
    I have been busy with Desert troops for our Con game and next focus will be Indo-China, but I think I need to revive Dux Gondorum, especially since I seem to have infected Koen with the Middle Earth bug and he has bought various Normans and Vikings to proxy Rohan and Gondor.
    Who will be the first to actually get a game in, the Moose Man or the Penguins?

    1. Hi Thomas:
      That sounds like a challenge to me. I should have ordered Dux during Richard's Salute sale.
      If we get this figured out and working, I'll have to visit you and Koen and your lot and do this in person. :)

    2. Start planning now and we can meet up at GothCon next Easter. I am painting figures for the CoC Indo-China game I have promised to run, but we can fit in some Dux as well.

  5. Jolly nice of the bloke. I've both made and received hobby-gifts and feel it only adds comradeship amongst an otherwise impersonal interaction - blog reading.

    1. I agree Dai. I've sent and received a lot of things to blog authors over the last few years, and never begrudged any of the money or effort involved in painting and mailing various things. What I've received in return are prized possessions indeed.
