Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Painting Desk

New up on the painting desk is a collection of Artizan figures for my Weird War Two project, and a stand of Yanks getting their banner fixed (a perennial problem).  The Russian Dragoons featured here last week are done, I’ll show them off tomorrow.  Off to game tonight, hurrah!

Blessings to your brushes! 



  1. Always good to see what's occurring on the Padre's paint table. I know what you mean about those banner problems as I never seem to get mine to look half as dramatic as everyone else's.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice looking minis you got there, Michael! Are those two nearly finished (and highly decorated!) French officers? They´re superb! Have fun! :D

    1. Thank you sir. The two officers are prizes for two fellows who did well in a Diplomacy game I hosted on my blog recently. They are I think French Foreign Legion but are getting painted somewhat whimsically. I hope you will find them superb when finished.

  4. Good luck with your game (& with fixing the banner :))!

  5. Some marvellous looking characters being work on there.

    1. Thanks mate. I quite enjoy the Artizan figures - characters indeed!

  6. Hullo Padre! Very nice work. Interesting method of painting there, how do you attach those models to the pins temporarily? Mine either fall off halfway, or I can't get them off at the end.

    1. What ho Colonel! I was wondering what had happened to you. I use 2 and 1/2 inch nails and glue the figure to the top of the nail with white carpenter's glue. Usually it holds on. When done, I lay the figure on a few inches of foam to protect the paintwork, then press with a craft knife at the juncture between the top of the nail and the bottom of the base, taking care not to amputate my fingers. Usually it works.
