Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Diplomacy Game Spring 1904 Turn Results

Here are the results for the Spring 1904 turn.  There is one retreat.  Russian player can retreat A Rum to either Ukr or Sev - please inform me no later than end of day  this Friday please Russia, earlier if possible.

Highlights:  France continues to fence-sit.  England throws a third army onto the continent.   Anglo-Turkish cooperation leads to the fall of Moscow. Italy again pockets Vienna but Turkish naval moves may have Rome worried.  Germany continues to lead a charmed if quixotic existence.  Hopefully everyone’s having as much fun as I am!





Results for Spring, 1904 (Movement)

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 05-Nov-2014 at 10:35:48 EST

Order Results:


A den - lie   Bounced with hel (1 against 1). 

A edi - nwy Convoy path taken: ed nth nwy. 

 F hel - kie Bounced with den (1 against 1). 

 F lon Holds;   F nth Convoys A edi -nwy

A stp Supports A sev -mos;  F swe - bal


A bel Supports F hol;  A bur Holds;  F lyo -wes

F hol Holds;  A par Supports A bur;  A pic Holds  A spa Holds


A ber -pru;   A boh - gal

A sil -war Bounced with war (1 against 1). 


A bud Holds;  A pie Holds;  A tri Supports A bud;  A tyr -vieI

F tys -tun;  A ven Supports A pie


Dislodged Units:

Russia: Army Rumania.  Valid Retreat Options:  ukr, sev


Supply Center Ownership:

England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, St. Petersburg, Sweden (7 total).

France: Belgium, Brest, Holland, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain (7 total).

Germany: Berlin, Kiel, Munich (3 total)

Italy: Budapest, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice (6 total).

Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Warsaw (3 total).

Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna (7 total).



A lvn -mos Bounced with sev (2 against 1).

A rum - bul Bounced with bul (1 against 1). Dislodged from bul (3 against 1). 

A war Holds


F bla Supports F bul/ec -rum;  F bul/ec -rum

A con Holds;   F gre - ion;  A ser Supports F bul/ec -rum

A sev -mos;    F smy - aeg



  1. Emerging Patterns?

    A commentary by General Sir Erasmus Blatt, geo-political and military correspondent for the Rioters News Agency.

    The fog of bellicosity that has descended upon Europe these last three and a half years is beginning to clear, as two distinct alliances reveal themselves. I had earlier indicated that Turkey and England might well seek each other out across the war-torn subcontinent. So apparently it has transpired, with the two combining to achieve the fall of Moscow.

    That the Turkish captors have been cut off from their supports by a Russian army, defeated in Romania, slinking back into Sevastopol would seem at first sight something of a setback to the Porte - or at least an outcome that would make the capture of Moscow lose some of its savour. Not so. It will not come as any surprise to this writer if by the end of the 1904 year, a stateless Czar will be sojourning in what remains of his empire in Siberia. With help from England and a compliant Germany, Turkey can keep Moscow, and Russia surely can not hold its other possessions.

    Still, miracles have already happened: look at Germany! The peculiar Kiel incident raises some questions. Was England seriously attempting to seize Kiel? Or was it all a pretence? Unopposed, the English army or fleet ought to have strolled into the place, and expanded thereby its hold upon the North European coastline. Mistaken orders, or a ruse? Both are equally possible.

    It would seem that otherwise, the accord between England and France is likely to hold for quite some time to come. Neither can really afford a break with the other with central Europe still in a state of flux.

    But it must be nearing the time for England and France to pluck the low-hanging fruit that German supply bases so ripely resemble right now. The Kaiser could be offered as a sop the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, at the expense of Russia. The situation around the Baltic and the Rhinelands is looking very tense. The restraints upon the Western powers can not last much longer. France and England resemble right now a pair of salivating Rottweilers, forbidden yet to touch that meat lying under their noses.

    Meanwhile, the accord between Italy and France seems to be holding well. This certainly benefits the Republic, who can devote its energies north of Switzerland. Its Mediterranean fleet may be required,. though, to help Italy against the Turkish fleet, should the Sultan prove - or turn - hostile.

    So far, Italy and Turkey have coexisted - even cooperated - amicably enough, but there has been little contention in their aims. One feels that the time must be near that the Sultan will begin to cast his eye towards the Western Mediterranean. But perhaps not yet. I believe that having acquired the Emperor's capital at last, Italy will be commissioning a new unit - my guess would be a fleet - in Rome or Naples.
    For the time being, half of Turkey's fleet is committed to the Black Sea. On the other hand, it appears that the Constantinople Army was not left there for nothing. A seaborne operation could be directed almost anywhere...

    I should not be too surprised if great maritime events occur in the Mediterranean during the latter half of 1904. But the fog has not yet dissipated completely...

    This day, 1st July 1904

    1. Presumably England's actions in Kiel were aimed a preventing the French from entering the port.

      But how long can Germany rely on England's protection? Will a Germany with four units and no Russians to bash be acceptable to London?

      And is it too late for Italy to save herself?

  2. Man, this is interesting: so many possibilties! I think if I were offered the choice of which country I would prefer to play right now, it would be Turkey. But there isn't a whole lot in it for the four major powers (Germany and Russia reduced to minor power status). Probably Italy is the most vulnerable, but if it can count on at least one reliable, long-term friend out of Turkey or France, has a great chance of surviving through to the end. And it might be that Germany has yet a decisive role to play...
