Friday, October 17, 2014

What Started Here?


Madame Padre and I just got back from a week in West Virginia, where we rented a place and visited with her in-laws, which was surprisingly pleasant.   We managed a few day trips.   I am off to a conference in Ottawa in minutes and I have more photos of this place which I’ll post when I get back.  For extra marks, can you identify this place, the event represented by this marker, and the significance of it all?  Clue:  regular readers of this blog will know it’s a period close to my heart (and will infer that it’s somewhere within driving distance of W. Virginia).



  1. Too easy, Michael! I visited that same spot a few years back on a 13 battle, ACW battlefield tour. I think my photo is almost identical!

    Enjoy your conference and Ottawa!

    1. A 13 battle tour sounds pretty epic, but in that part of the world, you could hit 13 battlefields fairly quickly just driving down the Shenandoah Valley.

  2. I agree too easy. I have been to the church in the background many time. Great hiking in the area with many wonderful finds.

    1. Sadly the church was closed when I visited last week, but I agree, the whole Harpers Ferry area is incredibly beautiful and I would have liked to have had time to walk the whole battlefield. We saw several groups of people doing the Appalachin Trail, the weather was still good for hiking.

  3. I know it from the very realistic Crucifix in the church.

  4. Would that I could have gotten into that church. A lovely place from the outside. Speaking of lovely places, sir, I love your blog.
