Thursday, August 14, 2014

Finished: 15mm PSC Soviet T34s



My 15mm Soviet WW2 project took a step forward recently when I finished off a box of Plastic Soldier Company T34 tanks, purchased from my favourite wargames emporium.   Here they are on maneuvers, with a Battlefront resin road and a 4Ground building in the background.  Is that the Dniepr glinting in the evening sun behind them?

I’m still liking my decision to start using bases for my vehicles.  It’s hard to see but I kept the weathering to a minimum in the interests of time, just a bit of Vallejo Panzer Aces Rust on the tracks and some dry brushed Yellow Ochre on the tanks for a coating of summer dust.  Terrible lighting in my basement.  Hopefully once I move next year, I’ll have a proper window in my gaming room.

That’s my attempt at hand painted Cyrillic tank slogans.  I bought a white gel pen at a craft store but found that the nib was hopelessly fat, so I took my smallest and best paintbrush, took a shot of gin to steady my nerves, and consulted my favourite website for Russian propaganda posters.


The great thing about this particular PSC set is that it provides turrets for both the T34 and the T34/85 models, should I want these tanks for a late-war game.


Glory to the Soviet tank forces!  On to the West!

These figures bring my 2014 totals to:

28mm Mounted: 13, 28mm Foot: 22, 28mm Artillery: 1

20mm Foot: 33, 20mm Artillery: 2, 20mm Vehicles: 2, 20mm Terrain Pieces: 2

15mm Vehicles: 5, 15mm Foot: 26, 15mm Terrain Pieces: 3

6mm Foot:  120, 6mm Terrain Pieces: 2

Kilometres Run: 770


  1. Nice work there Padre. I'm still in two minds about the bases for vehicles, but you make a compelling argument.

    Do I forsee more TFL shenanigans in your future?

    1. Thanks young Kinch. I confess I balk at the idea of retrofitting my existing vehicle collection with bases, but shall probably do so gradually while watching telly, provided I don't amputate my digits with my craft knife.
      I wanted to expand my Soviet force to play TFL's IABSM with my friend James in 15mm, but I also have the Battlegroup Kursk rules that I have yet to try on the table. I'm rather broad church in my taste in rules, albeit I lean towards TFL and like their philosophy.

  2. Those are some nice looking tanks. And impressive painting totals for the year.

    1. Thanks Chris. The totals slowly add up, and the Vis Lardica contest is some gentle encouragement to get things done.

  3. Very nice sir. The slogans are well done, don't sweat it. :)

    1. Thanks, Dai. They look Russian enough, and besides, the Germans probably didn't understand them anyway. I think slogans look better than red stars on Soviet tanks.

  4. Great job! Slogans look good, and few errors :-)

    1. Спасибо my Russian friend. The next time I need some Russian tank slogans, I'll talk to you first.

    2. I will always be happy to help:-)!

  5. I'm liking the bases on the vehicles too.

    1. Thanks Robert. I need to get cracking on some more bases for for my German kit.

  6. Great tanks, comrade! 15mm WW II is very tempting. I may try your suggestion of gin to steady one's nerves!

    1. Thanks Monty. 15mm is a great scale for, well, scalability. I've done squad level actions with it as well as company and even battalion level gaming. There's also a wealth of models out there besides the whole Battlefront range, its gotten cheaper with the advent of plastic kits, and the level of painting isn't too demanding. And the gin helps. :)

  7. Excellent job. I've got 15 of the PSC T-34's and they are a very nice model to build and paint. The two turrets make them such good value. Za Stalina! :-)

    1. Cheers Paul. I agree, great value. I definitely want a few more boxes for the rodina, especially as the lifespan of the T34 is fairly short once the big German cats come out to play.
