Friday, March 8, 2013

New Follower Friday

It's Friday, and following the tradition I started last Friday, I want to welcome new followers to Mad Padre Wargames, with my thanks for showng an interest in what I do and have to say. We have two new followers this week.

Welcome to a follower with the splendidly business-like name of "The Wargamer", who owns four blogs, including Wargame News And Terrain. I haven't had time to visit this or the other three blogs, but WNT looks mightily interesting and a useful place to glean intelligence about the hobby.

Welcome as well to the crazed genius behind the blog known as Dux Homunculorum. I regret that I've come late to this splendid blog, and that over 240 people beat me to following it, so I don't know as much about Dux as I'd like to. I gather he works at a school, knows who Brian Blessed is (always a good thing in a gentleman), has an intriguing taste in haberdashery, is a dad, a prolific and skilled painter, and is generous. I can vouch for the generous part because I was absurdly pleased to learn today that won a prize in his recent contest to celebrate 200,000 pageviews! It appears I am the proud owner-to-be of a set of rules, "Disposable Heroes" by Iron Ivan Games. Huzzah!

Speaking of contests, there are only days left in my own contest. I misspoke myself in a previous post when I described it as the "100K/100" contest. In fact it is the "50K/100" contest, to celebrate 50,000 pageviews and 100 followers. If you haven't yet entered, you simply leave a poem of any sort in the comments. The poem has t be connected in some way some content on this blog. As an incentive, here's a look at the progress I'm making on the prizes to be offered. Three winners will be chosen at random, and there will be an extra prize for the poem that Mrs. Padre likes the most. And if you are counting and seeing five figures in the photo, one is already spoken for, and I'll say more about that on Sunday.


  1. Huzzah indeed! Congrats on winning one of Dux's prizes :)

  2. Mike

    I was gaming with Curt last night and he tells me you may be travelling out our way later this spring. In honour of this upcoming event I present you with

    There once was a Padre out West
    Who thought his gaming the best
    So came out to Curt's
    To trade bruising and hurts
    And we put his gaming to test!



  3. Congrats on the win, and thanks for the description as a 'crazed genius'. I have always longed to be one of them. Drop me a line with your address and I'll send your prize your way. Email: alan_dearn(at)

