Friday, January 25, 2013

The 100 and 50K Celebration And Contest

Two great reasons for celebrating occurred this week. This silly blog reached 100 followers this week, the 100th being a chap named Friendly Fire, so welcome aboard and thank you. I hope you don't mind if I call you Friendly?
The other milestone was reaching 50,000 page views, which to me is even more exciting than numbers of followers.
Most wargaming blogs usually mark these sorts of milestones with some sort of contest, and I would like thank everyone who reads this blog. So here's what I propose.
Write a poem (free verse, rhyming couplets, haiku, sonnet, limerick, rap) about something you've seen or read about anywhere in this blog. If you're shy, you can simply email it to me at madpadre atsymbol gmail dot com. If you're bold, you can show your creativity for all to see as a comment to this post. You have until Sunday, 2 March, to come up with something. Since not all poets are created equally, I will choose the three entries at random.
In order of their selection, the first, second and third winners will get to choose one of these miniatures.

Great War Miniatures British WW1 motorcycle dispatch rider.

Bob Murch Pulp Figures Son of the Empire in pith helmet and tropical kit.

Bob Murch Pulp Figures Dangerous Dame on safari.
But wait, that's not all! Each of these miniatures will be painted by this blog's humble proprietor and mailed to you if your entry is chosen.
But wait, that's STILL not all! A bonus fourth prize will be given to the entry that amuses me and Mrs. Padre (who has been known to bust a rhyme herself). I'm not sure what this prize will be yet, but it will be at least as cool as the first three.
And so dear readers, of this fine cadre,
Who read these posts of one mad padre,
Come stir your wits and rouse your inner bard!
Do not be deterred, for rhyming's not hard.
A simple verse may win you a casting,
And earn you a poet's name long lasting.


  1. Congrats on the milestones Mike, and best of luck with the contest judging.

    Model on!

    1. Thanks Paul! I am sure you can put together a poem as quickly as you put together a model!

  2. Well done and Congrats on both the milestones Mike, Cool idea for a competition! I'll get me thinking cap on!!!

    1. Thanks Ray. You could always do something about Fran - git and twit rhyme, there's a start for you.

  3. Congrats from me too Mike! Great stuff!

  4. Congrats on the two milestones Padre! Here's to 200 and 100k! :)

  5. Congratulations Mike, keep those post coming and for the 200!!
    On the other hand, this contest is a bit UNFAIR for the non-native speakers here!!!!

    1. Benito:
      You can always write something in Spanish. That will qualify you for the random three draws. I can always put it into google translate for consideration for the bonus prize.

  6. Well done on hitting the 100 followers mark and the 50k hits!!

  7. Congratulations there on hitting bout targets thats great news

  8. Congratulations! But remember, Your Grace, (since you are duely raised to Archbishop of Fredonia with your own regiment) "Sic transit gloria mundi."

    1. Thanks John. I hope you contribute something. Where do I find out more about my appointment to the Arch See of Fredonia? Is there a dental plan?

    2. Yes, you get to keep your own teeth. I'll e-mail you shortly with more important information.

    3. Ooohh, my own teeth! Though I would settle for some nice mahogany dentures.
      I am looking forward to being an Archbishop. Now, where's my purple shirt?

  9. Congradulations on the 100th and 50k! I'm surprised I didn't stumble on your blog earlier, and am happy to be your 100th follower! (Call me Friendly if you want, but most call me FF).

    I'd love to win one of those minis, but have no talent in poetry. Good luck finding a winner!

    1. Thanks FF (I'll stick with FF). Remember, you can write something in free verse, which doesn't have to rhyme.

  10. One night with gusto, and derring-do,
    Young Igor went a-searching,
    He packed his Mauser, still brand new,
    And to The Castle, went a-lurching.

    The Castle was crammed, with evil deeds,
    Of course, young Igor knew.
    "Strasser's evil grows like weeds,
    And hangs in the air, like dew!"

    But as he approached this old, grim fortress,
    He came across a man,
    Dressed in sturdy battledress,
    And named just 'Padre Tristram'.

    "Look here my man! Now can't you see!"
    He cried, turning to depart,
    "The Count's displeased, he ought to be,
    This stake's marked for his heart!"

    As Igor watched, some other fellows,
    Trudged upwards, t'wards the top,
    '"WE'RE 'S' COMMANDO!", so they bellowed,
    "And the Count is for the chop!"

    So, satisfied, he began to head,
    Down the mountain at a jog:
    If there's one thing BETTER than slaying undead,
    It's reading it on the blog!

    Congratulations, Mike!

    1. Excellent, my dear Colonel! That puts you and the Kiwi firmly in the running. Bravo.

  11. I thought I'd a short one, with sincere apologies to Lewis Carroll and none at all to Isaac Watts:

    How doth the Mad Padre
    improve his shining blog,
    With Chronicles of Commando 'S',
    and the missions that they log.

    How sweetly he seems to grin,
    How carefully loads his gun,
    And laughs with joy as the lead goes in:
    Shooting zombies can be such fun.

    Dreamed up whilst defoliating overgrown plum trees. Now I'll read the others...

    1. ...And congratulations on reaching the milestones. Well done! I've a little way to go to reach them myself. But we'll get there...

    2. A very fine entry, Ion. Bravo! I would love to be dealing with plum trees right now, though today is so mild here on the edge of the frozen prairie that it could almost be spring.

  12. Ok Mike, there goes my contribution (in Spanish, sorry)
    De allende el mar nos llega
    El blog del padre Miguel
    El cura-soldado kanuck
    Que a soldaditos juega

    Su comando especial británico
    A las criptas ha bajado
    A erradicar al maligno
    Y a otros seres malditos

    Pero Oh! Cielos!
    Ni zombies, ni diablos
    Una vampiresa insinuante
    Dicen, de rojo pasión vestida
    Pero yo más bien diría… ¡desnuda!

    Padre Miguel, qué cosas pintas!
    En estas latitudes hispanas
    Ya te habrían excomulgado
    Rouco y sus secuaces

    PS: Rouco is the head of the Spanish Catholic Episcopal Conference

  13. I'm not much of a gamer
    As you will duly note
    But I felt the need to put
    My feelings into rote

    It's not too often that I find
    A site worth browsing through
    But here I see your artist's eye
    And I'm inclined to favour you

    So now I leave my little poesy
    With a bright and cheery grin
    By saying it's wonderful to keep up
    With one of my favourite men!

    [The others, as I should point out,
    Are the one to whom I'm wed
    And the one who looks just like him
    But taller by a head]

  14. I'm not much of a gamer
    As you will duly note
    But I would like to take the time
    To add my feelings here in rote

    Not many sites are worth the time
    It takes to glance them through
    But here I see your artist's eye
    And I'm inclined to favour you

    So I'll leave my little poesy
    With a bright and cheery grin
    I thank you for sharing with us;
    You're one of my favourite men!

    [The others, if you were to ask,
    Are the one to whom I'm wed,
    And the one who looks just like him
    But is taller by a head]

  15. The Padre needs a comment that's in verse
    A line or two from follower and friend
    A limerick perhaps, or would he be averse
    To something cleverer, a fancy blend
    Of sonnet form, the pref'rence of the Bard
    With rhyming scheme that drives me round the bend.
    It's not that Terza Rima's really hard,
    though interwoven rhymes can drive you mad,
    and form, belov'd of Dante, leave you scarred.
    Still, hopefully, this poem's not too bad,
    And will show my admiration for your blog,
    (I'm dodging rhyming with that word: I'm glad.)
    And in the end, things could have been much worse:
    Fourteen lines is, after all, quite terse.

  16. Nice work Mike. Lovely to see a sonnet.

  17. Excellent idea and although I'm not a great poet. I gave it a try as a free and short poem isnpired by your cossacks!

    Fierce horseman from the steppe
    Dressed blue and red
    Horse trotting
    Head proud high
    Ready to die

