Monday, December 17, 2012

I Am Ronin 28

On 20 December I will get busy with my brushes, along with 46 other folks, in this year's painting competition run by fellow Canuck and blogger Curt of Analogue Hobbies.

I've had mixed luck with other painting challenges in the last few years. Some have led to finished projects, others to frustration. But this one feels different. I had enormous fun watching the progress of last year's challenge, and I have tremendous ambition to Curt for putting so much effort into this task. The selling point for me is that I get to set the bar where I want. It's up to each participant to decide how many figures they want to paint and what kind, and then to do their best to reach that goal, while learning along the way from some talented brush ronin. So I'm in.

Next step, to determine what I am going to paint. The first rule is that nothing is eligible if it has already received anything more than primer. So these three chaps are out - they are from the Warlord Commandoes Character blister, and are intended to be part of my Weird War Two project.

"I say, sir, what a pity that the Padre has gone and started doing our faces. Now we're bloody well not eligible!" "Never mind, RSM, we'll be the first ones onto the objective ahead of all those plastic Johnnies. Piper! Play the Brushes of Bonnie Dundee!"

Also sadly ineligible is this young lass, a Reaper Miniatures Vampire, also intended for the Weird War project (my Padre figure needs some temptation), and a Renegade Confederate Officer for Terrible Sharp Sword.

Oh, Curt, dahlink, I am so sad to be left out of your competition. Isn't there anything I could do to make you reconsider?" "Why, nevah you mind that Yankee Curt, mah deah. The South has risen, if'n y'all get mah meaning."

Also ineligible, sadly, is scenery, so between now and the 20th I will try to finish off a project or two there, and use the figures featured here to practice my speed painting skills. So what is eligible? That will be revealed, gentle reader, in my next post. And to my fellow 46 ronin, may God speed our brushes!


  1. Tee-hee! You do character dialogue very well, padre!

    Good luck with the competition.

    From Ronin#2

    1. And good luck to you, Ronin #2. If necessary, I have a sharpened #8 brush ready if I have to commit seppuku, and I would be honoured to have you as my second.

  2. Hey, hey, hey! Watch that "Yankee" stuff, Reb. More corn-pone from you and I'll revert to my birth dialect!

    Good luck with the painting. I'm preping stuff for our "Imagi-nations" game which should kick off in the new year. Speaking of which... I have an opening for an archbishop for my capitol city. (If you're interested.)

    1. My Mississippi wife grimaced in distaste when she read that,so you are in good company.
      I would totally rock as Archbishop. Pray tell me more.

    2. Well, I need a name for archbishop to submit to the Holy Synod (me again)and to name the archepiscopal figure I'll find somewhere. Also the ecclesiastical canton the archbishop rules fields two regiments (for Age of Reason) uniformed as Prussian Fusiliers. At least they will once the figs arrive.

      So what do you say, Your Grace?

      Our spouses would get along famously - Mississippi and Texas!

  3. I observe your regard to the tender souls of your readers that the picture of the young lass in her diaphanous finery remains small enough that one has to be made to look creepy peering at the screen from a 3-inch range. Hard men, these ecclesiastical types, hard. Erm... Tough, I mean...

    Actually, I was thinking the raunchy renegade Reb bore a marked resemblance to good old Robert E. his self.

    Very nice work on these figures, padre, particularly - if you'll pardon my observation - the flesh tones.

  4. My dear Kiwi, there will be more pictures of her, I promise.

  5. Good luck with the challenge! I've been busy prepping figures for far too long, I need to paint something and I'm not talking about the living room walls either!!! Ronin No34

    1. Thanks for reminding me, mate, I promised Mrs Padre I'd paint some walls over Christmas. I am planning on riding my gamey knee as an excuse for a few days. :) Good luck to you, as if you need it, Mr. Prolific.

  6. Best of luck with the Challenge Padre!

    Ronin #46

    1. And you too, Ronin 46. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  7. Mike, these look terrific. Such a shame they're not on the slate for the Challenge. However, I'm sure there'll be more where they came from! Good luck!
