Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More Weird War Baddies: Leutnant Manfred Gruber and Schutze Willi Stumpff

Here are the rest of the baddies that I've recently finished for my ongoing Weird War Two project. They are both from the Warlord Games Christmas Surprise set, and were originally sculpted, I believe by Richard Ansell, to celebrate the personalities behind Too Fat Lardies. The German officer is, I believe, modelled on a follower of this blog, but I won't say who that is. If he sees this post and cares to comment, that would be cool.

Minimal fluff tonight. After painting a werewolf and a vampire, I felt that some ordinary people were needed for comic relief.

Leutnant Manfred Gruber is an effete fellow from Cologne who really didn't want to go to war. Yes, I know, he needs a little tank.

Gruppenfuhrer Strasser chose Lt. Gruber as a staff officer because Gruber worked in an art gallery before the war and will therefore be useful to him as he plunders the Great Masters of Europe. Gruber is happy to have such a cultured man as his boss, but wonders why Strasser keeps odd hours.

Schutze Willi Stumpff is Leutnant Gruber's orderly and dogsbody, and is the cheaplaffs character of our story.

Stumpff is a simple fellow from Berlin who fought in the Great War and has a glum view of things. He is happiest when he has his hands on a good piece of bratwurst. His motto is "A soldier never knows where his next meal is coming from" and he takes this to heart. He thinks Gruber is a bit of a poofter but he has to admit that it's a good go working for him rather than being at the front.

The baddies in a group portait. A field test of the werewulf project, perhaps?


  1. Great figures, like the sausage munching chap!

    1. Ray, I was expecting you to say that the sausage muncher looked like Fran. And I'm expecting Fran to say the werewolf looks like you. Just saving y'all time is all. :)

  2. Mike, I was wondering if you'd get around to Leutnant Gruber! It is indeed modelled on me. Of course, the resemblance is a very poor one. In place of my witheringly handsome good looks and trademark athletic physique (ahem!), Tricky produced a risible pastiche complete with a wasp-like waist, puffed cheeks, monocle and cheap cigarette. No matter. The issue has long since been in the hands of my solicitors and the High Court. Fluff indeed, Sir!!

    1. Thank you Sidney. I am sorry to have raised such a painful and litigous subject for you. I trust you will receive satisfaction through the court, and if not, on the field of honour. I will happily act as your second.

  3. I must admit, I really like Stumpff. Nice paitning on both figs MP. Not to mention a great group pic :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin. Stumpff is going to be a fun character to role play if this ever gets off the ground. :)

  4. Isn't that the sausage with the Madonna with the big boobies???

    1. No, that's just a copy. The sausage with the real Madonna is in the basement of Renee's Cafe, in the box with the exploding Christmas puddings.

  5. Padre, why is Herr Leutnant standing on a pizza?
    As for Schute Stumpff, he reminds me of "The Good Soldier Schweik" of the Austro-Hungarian Army in WWI.
    Great stuff all around.

    1. Thank you John. Yes, the pizza. A painful subject. I had based the figure on some coloured paper that looked like cobblestones, and then did a crap job of painting the metal between his feet to match. Not even close, is it. Remediation is called for. The Good Soldier Schweik parallel is a good one, thanks for reminding me of it.

  6. Nice work Mike! Although maybe Willi houldn't be carrying around sausages when the werewolf is out?

    1. Willi wasn't told that werewolves were around. He was just given one. And Sturmmbanfuhrer Ingrid cheated and unbenownst to Stumpff, filled his cartridge pouches with bacon. She's a tricky one, is young Ingrid.

  7. Excellent work, Mike. Love the background to all this - very, very funny.

    1. Thanks Curt. It's supposed to be lighthearted, glad you are enjoying it.

  8. I particularly like the officer - a sharp looking fellow to be sure.

  9. Crackingly good work Mike, well done on the colours and shading. Wunderbar!

  10. Continuing in the theme of good fun and smashing painting - excellent stuff, my dear Padre. And a great 'Allo 'Allo clip as well! Might have to blow the dust off my DVDs and put them on this weekend. "I was pissing by the door, and I thought I would drip in on you ... "
