Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finished Federals

Billy Yanks and Johnny Rebs have been permanently camped on my painting table of late. While there are plenty more ready to move in, and several boxes of Perry Brothers ACW cavalry in progress, I did manage to move some fellows on their way to the front this past weekend. Specifically, the Bluffsburg front, because most of the figures shown below are needed to augment the ongoing campaign I'm supposedly running (players to Mad Padre - what's going on? yes, I hear you, lads. MTF).

Here's what I got based and finished. A mix of Old Glory, almost the last of their Iron Brigade pack, a blister of Wargames Foundry Hardee Hat command figures, a few Redoubt stragglers, and the first of a pack of Perry Bros miniatures I bought some years ago. I'm not very disciplined in painting a single purchase of figures all at one time, they kind of dribble their way to the gaming table. There are more that are finished, but for one reason or other aren't yet based.

And yes, those are the flocked splitrail fences mentioned in a previous post here. Those are some gigantic fencerail sections, aren't they? They look more 54mm than 28mm. At least they will supply a LOT of wood for coffee boiling.

I am quite happy with the way these fellows turned out. With the exception of the soldier porting arms on the left, they are from the Foundry Hardee Hat Command pack. And yes, they have eyes. I resolved to give everyone eyes this time. In some cases, alarming raccoon eyes.

I'm so inordinately proud of this gentleman that I gave him two pictures. He is off to Bluffsburg to play the role of Col. Ulrich Von Daniken, an especially energetic and fierce brigade commander in that campaign. Proof that a miniature, like myself, can look handsome and dashing with (prematurely) silver hair.

Another character from the Bluffsburg campaign and another dashing brigade commander, Col. Andrew Hemmings. I really like the dynamic pose of this figure, and can see him getting a lot of use.

Sgt. Allan Boscombe, who will be a dashing Sgt. Major in many skirmish actions to come.

This fellow is a perfect picket or sentry for skirmish level games. I hope he survives. The odds aren't good for sentries in skirmish games. Especially when they've been hitting the mascara.

Sgt. Boscombe leads some Redoubt and Old Glory figures into battle.

Another Foundry command figure, the intrepid and very blond Capt. Christopher Frederiksen, leads more Old Glory figures forward. The chap on the right is in shock. "Damn, Perkins owed me money!"

Some of my first Perry Plastics get ready to fire. I used the slouch hat heads for them and gave them all black hats. They'll do either to supplement my Iron Brigade or do as Western federals - I like the Union black slouch hat look.

So I tried some new things with skin shading, eyes, and drybrushing here and overall I'm happy with the results. Some of these figures are already in battle somewhere near Bluffsburg, but as some of the players may be reading this post, I can't say more for now. One day that story will be told here.


  1. Good work Padre. Was the first image taken on a different camera to the rest of the pictures? It looks darker and the focus isn't as good as the rest of the images.

  2. Thank you Mr. Kinch. That top picture is quite naff ( to use a word a Brit soldier recently taught me). Taken w the same camera though and probably made worse by the editing software I ran it through. I will try and replace it.

  3. Annibal: thanks mate. Yes, the single based leaders are intended for Terrible Swift Sword. I am hoping to try one of Chris Stoesen's scenarios this weekend when I introduce TSS to some friends.
