Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Shout Out for Grog News

I came across the website Grog News in my travels of late, and recommend it big time. Lots of good wargaming and consim theory, as well as discussion of contemporary military and security issues. It doesn't appear to be too heavily travelled, but it's a labour of love and deserves more traffic.


  1. Googling the exact phrase "Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me." gives 11200 hits, including the comment field on my paint blog. Joel has been a busy little spammer.

  2. And here I thought Joel was my fanboy!

  3. Well, I thought he was another Dust Tactics fanboy when he asked me on my blog.
