Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ACW Campaign: The Bluffsburg Map

I've made some progress on my American Civil War campaign idea. Thanks to fellow Lardie Thomas Nisvik for putting me on to a program called Mapping Board, which allowed me to generate this electronic version of a map I sketched some years back and almost forgot about. Mapping Board is fairly easy to use, especially if you have some exposure to CAD software and understand the concept of layers. The map below is somewhat larger and more legible if you click on it.

To recap, this is a fictitious section of the Mississippi River in the northern part of the state of Mississippi. Movement on the map will be point to point, with the points being the dots in red representing towns. Red indicates a town begins the game in Confederate control, while the only blue town, Jefferson City, is the Union base of operations for the campaign.

Each town has a number in parentheses after its name. My current thinking is that number will represent both the town's victory point value and the supply value of the town. The supply value represents the number of regiments that a town can support. Regiments in excess of that value will need to be supplied from each side's resources (haven't quite figured out that point yet).

There is some transport infrastructure available, including the Southern and Central Railroad which was intended to connect Jefferson City and Bluffsburg but which ran out of funding at Eudora, bridges at Batesville and Eudora, and several ferries. These assets can be destroyed by the Confederate player if he wants to dedicate units and time to the task.

Union forces, both land and naval, will begin at Jefferson City, and have the objective of capturing Bluffsburg. Confederate forces can begin anywhere on the map other than Jefferson City. Union forces will have a limited transport capability by river but may find that there are confederate defences along the river that may impede river movement. There will also be some capacity for railway movement.

Since neither side will know the other's OOB, and will only know enemy dispositions after contact or through scouting (I expect cavalry will prove an invaluable asset in this game), it should be an interesting and tense game.

Next on the to do list: Write some rules for supply, river and rail movement, and post the biographies of the Confederate and Union commanders. And paint, of course.

All feedback is welcome and kindly encouraged.


  1. Have you looked into using Kreigspiel for the supply and movement rules. I think they have most of that figured out.

  2. Hi Chris:

    Thanks. I have a copy of Kriegspiel from TFL and plan to dig into it next. I suspect you're right, it probably has what I need.

  3. If you're still looking for people to issue orders when you launch this give me a shout.

  4. Looking forward how this campaign develops in future posts. Never did a campaign myself but like the idea of doing one in the future. I can't offer any suggestions at this stage but can tell you it looks promising to me. Your link to the Mapping Board directs me to a site under construction. Do you have a correct link by any chance?

  5. Do you intend to fight any actions on the river, ironclads and such, or will that be handled using die-rolls/modifiers to the number of supply points moved?

  6. Thanks all.
    MiniMike: I may have had the link for Mapping Board wrong. Try this one:

    Thomas: For river actions I am planning to use a set of boardgame rules called Shot and Shell and the ship models from Peter Pig. PP also has a set of rules called Hammerin' Iron, I may look at those as well.

    James: Will certainly give you a shout.

  7. Wicked! I am currently in the middle of Foote's Civil War:A Narrative and I'm really enjoying the riverine action.
