Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dear Secret Santa


Goodness, I haven’t written a wish list to Santa since I was much much younger!   This year, since I’m involved in the Secret Santa project run by Chris and Catherine at the always interesting The Blog With No Name.  I have a target and I have started snooping that person’s blog for some hints, but the person is devilishly eclectic and it’s a bit of a poser.   I am sure I will think of something.  I am also part of Chris Stoesen’s Santa Clause project.  I have a target for that one as well, I received that person’s gift last week, and about to start painting it, though now I am all uncertain if it is what that person wants!

Now if MY Secret Santa is reading this, I do have some suggestions.  I’m taking a hint from fellow Posties Reject Ray R, whose own extensive wish list is totally shameless.


Hint 1

For my Weird War 2 project, I have a backstory that I need to tell involving werewolves in the Canadian Rockies, because … werewolves in the Rockies.  Any of the foot packs from fellow Canadian Bob Murch’s Pulp Figures’ Yukon Peril line, including any one of PYP 1, 2, 5, 6 or 7 would be most awesome, and that would be the cheapest in terms of postage, since Bob is just a few towns over (well provinces, and there are some Canadian Rockies between us).

Hint 2

Also for the Weird War 2 project, any of the Wargames Foundry Home Guard sets (WW2011 or 2012) or the German Sentries set (WW2025)

Hint 3

For my Lord of the Rings project, any single pack from the Casting Room Miniatures Saxon range to make Rohirrim foot and/or levy.  Alternatively, any of the orcs from Sgt. Major Miniatures - they look cheap, cheerful and useful.

Hint 4

Any of the affordable packs from the Perry Brothers ACW line, including either of their camp sets (Union 1 of Union2), dismounted cavalry or horse holders from either side.

I am of course happy to receive whatever else you decide on, and which you think might surprise me.

Thank you kindly, dear Santa, for considering these ideas.




  1. Great Wish List, Michael, I do like Murch's pulp figures. So much character.

  2. Don't ask, don't get as my Mum used to say. Hope you get something cool!

  3. Hi Mad Padre, in reading this I felt the urge to ask you if you would like me to paint up another one of the Yukon Peril figures I have from PYP 06 "The Mad Trappers of Rat River". I still have the top three in the catalog photo. The one on the bottom I painted up as my Curtgeld last challenge. Just a thought. Let me know if this sounds good to you.
